

« As architects we play an important role in interpreting the goals of the institutions into physical form, to provide the physical link between these aspirations and the built form. Architecture provides an important vehicle that responds to particular philosophies and influences people’s behaviour and sense of well-being.»

ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects was formed in 1986 by Andréa Wolff, Elizabeth Shapiro and Magda Kuskowski and has, since then, expanded to include Mira Katnick, Eduardo Carrera and Johnny Salman as members of the leadership team. ARCHITEM strives for design quality and innovative solutions, two principles that guided its foundation and development.

Since 1986, ARCHITEM has developed substantial experience in the design and construction of private homes, as well as institutional and commercial facilities. The firm’s philosophy is to extract clues from the existing natural and built environment to complement rather than compete with its surroundings. Every project integrates sustainable principles in the design process.

ARCHITEM’s dedication to their client’s expressed needs and desires, allows the team to respond individually to each design problem, creating unique architectural solutions that combine traditional and contemporary vocabularies with new technologies.  Throughout the design process, from the conceptual phase to project execution, ARCHITEM remains in close collaboration with the client, ensuring a positive outcome by following the principles listed below:


We assist the client to articulate their aspirations and requirements in order to be able to translate these objectives into a cohesive and exciting concept that maximizes the potential of the site.


We are attentive to your needs and points of view and respond in a constructive way to find the best solutions.


We control costs throughout the design and building process.  We select materials for their sustainability, quality, value, ease of maintenance as well as compatibility with the existing context.


We are there for you.  We dedicate a partner to your project who is responsive and present throughout its entire duration.


Working as a Team with our clients, other consultants and builders produces the best results.

Team member

Andrea Wolff | Principal Architect
FRAIC, OAQ, LEED Green Associate
[email protected]

Team member

Elizabeth Shapiro | Principal Architect
[email protected]

Team member

Magda Kuskowski | Principal Architect
[email protected]

Mira Katnick | Principal Architect
MRAIC, OAQ, LEED Green Associate
[email protected]

Team member

Eduardo Carrera | Principal Architect
OAQ, LEED Green Associate
[email protected]

Team member

Johnny Salman | Principal Architect
[email protected]

Team member

Margo Dennick | Associate
OAQ, LEED Green Associate
[email protected]

Team member

Jirina Kozak | Associate
OAQ, LEED Green Associate
[email protected]

Team member

Katrina Novak | Associate
OAQ, Architect
[email protected]

Team member

Harriet Strachan | Associate
OAQ, Architect
[email protected]

Team member

José Orue Bonneville | M.Arch
[email protected]

Team member

Tamara Arredondo | M.Arch
[email protected]

Team member

Kristian Morse | M.Arch, B.Env.D
[email protected]

Team member

Alex Kovyazin | B.Arch
[email protected]

Team member

Patricia Rovere | B.Arch
[email protected]

Team member

Morgan Vorsteher-Styrczula | M.Arch
[email protected]

Team member

Marie-Laurence Bourdon | M.Arch
[email protected]

Salma Alaoui | M.Arch
[email protected]

Team member

Manar Mbayed | Interior Designer
[email protected]

Team member

Stephanie Werbin | Office Manager
[email protected]